Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Idea #6: Light Up Button Strip

Okay, so there are some pretty awesome smart phones out there. The iPhone has an accelerometer, so when you turn it, you can view your app in landscape mode. This is the same with Android phones. But with Android phones, the buttons do not turn. The buttons stay put, and can not change. That's how I came up with this idea. Im thinking of a touch sensitive strip where buttons are placed. This strip lights up different buttons depending on what app you are in. For example, if you are in a music app, the strip would light up the previous, pause, and next buttons. I call it the Jaw. Yes the idea has some problems, but overall I find it cool.

Scanned Photo of my Idea

I have been holding back on sharing this idea (since December 30, 2010), because it would require me to show a picture of what I am talking about (since this doesn't make much sense), but I decided now is the time. I saw this device: the Razor Switchblade. It has my idea. I asked a question on Yahoo Answers if my idea was good. Here it is: Where's a place I can share my ideas/ Is this a good idea?.
I made this idea along with my idea for a phone, the Sharktooth. I made designs for that as well. I had the designs on a piece of paper, but I am not able to access them now. So I have made them again. But they definitely aren't as good as the original. (No I don't work for Samsung, The Samsung Sharktooth just sounds catchy) And you really need to click on the picture to see its real value. When its sized down it looks bad.


  1. Before you share too many invention ideas, send a copy to yourself by registered mail. Keep the envelope sealed,. Then should you need to prove it is your idea, take the sealed envelope into court and open it when asked to do so to prove ownership.

  2. @Suzanne - would that really prove anything?

  3. Yes, Suzanne's right.

    It's the simplest proof you can have but it works.

    That said, there is no organization that's responsible to protect copyright holders and it costs a fortune in lawyers for these kinds of cases.

    Finally, more specifically to the device, this doesn't appear to me like a hardware design. It's merely a logical way to develop the interface. With all the touch screen devices, it's up to the developers to make things cute. And this is not something that could be protected by copyright. (Look at the case between Apple and Microsoft about the graphical interface.)
